• 9 Simple Steps to Just Get Started on That Project.

    If you are like 99 percent of the people I've been talking to recently in my role as President of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, then you are feeling paralyzed about how to start using Artificial Intelligence in your business workflow. 
    I HEAR YOU. (emphasis intentional)
    Yes, we're all acutely aware that AI is … (fill in the blank with a fancy synonym for "revolutionary, transformational, mind blowing).
    Yup, we know we have to start “looking into it.”
    Hmmm. Maybe we are a bit worried that doomsday might be around the corner?
    All of the above are valid sentiments. The Society for Human Research Management tells us that workers are exhibiting both excitement and trepidation about AI — with a heavy tilt toward the latter. 
    Like most uncomfortable things in life, a good solution always begins with taking control of what you can, in fact, control.
    In this instance, “Charting Your AI Journey” starts with the big picture. Here are 9 super easy steps I've come up with (based on my own independent research) to get the ball rolling.
    1. Be sure to get the right leaders in the room to set the tone. A mix of HR, IT, marketing, finance, legal and customer-facing roles is a good place to start for your special “AI Titans Work Group." Leaders must be seen leading. Ask for volunteers, if appropriate.
    2. Establish an organized, friendly process with just a few low-key deliverables as a way to build trust.
    3. Understand how AI fits into your company's overall technology and governance strategy. (Do not skip this step. Highly important.)
    4. Get all team members to engage in a discussion of how new types of data could provide fresh insights. Think about what you see on a day-to-day basis and ask where there are opportunities for better execution and less stress.
    5. Identify the various types of data you already collect (or could collect) and how to wrangle it.
    6. Identify one or two low-risk projects to potentially pilot. Build out the Use Case with a fair amount of specificity. Nothing difficult or bossy.
    7. Be sure everyone has a meaningful role to play as you launch the “AI Titans Work Group.” Stay consistent with your message and be transparent with all of your employees.
    8. Reinforce that empathy, compassion and judgment are human qualities that can never be matched by a machine.
    9. Enjoy the journey.
    Obviously, there are a million other steps involved. But in the spirit of inching forward, try the above. Let me know how it is working for you. The most important thing to remember is to just get started.

    – Laurie White, President, Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce

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